Experts in Class Action Settlements & Employee Retention Credits (ERC)

If you dropped your wallet and someone found it,
would you want them to return it?

J.E. Lawrence and Company specializes in
managing client claims in class action settlements and the Employee Retention Credit Program.

MasterCard / Visa: the largest class action settlement in US history.

A provision of the CARES Act refunding companies up to $26,000/employee.

Beef End-User Consumer Indirect Purchaser Antitrust​

Domestic Airline Antitrust Ligation.

Claim what's yours!

We'll help you claim what’s yours

Every year, tens of thousands of companies fail to collect
money they are owed as a result of class action settlements. Now, we’ve added the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) Program.

J. E. Lawrence and Company was founded to help our clients 
identify and collect all the moneys to which they are

Is this a scam?


No. Class action settlements arise because your business has been financially damaged in some way (even if you didn’t know it). Your claim is for payment of money you are legally owed. And the ERC payment is a refund under the US government’s CARES Act.

Can I do this on my own?

Yes. No-cost assistance is usually available from the Class Administrators and Class Counsels during claims-filing periods. No one is required to sign up with any third-party service in order to participate in any monetary relief. This is also true for ERC but submitting a claim can be complicated and easy to lose track.


What will this cost?


Unlike law and accounting firms, J.E. Lawrence and Company requires no fees upfront. Once your claim is paid, JEL receives a pre-approved percentage of the payment as compensation for services rendered over the course of the claims process.

Current Cases l New to the claims process?

J. E. Lawrence & Co. brings an effective combination of expertise,
commitment, and transparency to the recovery of client’s claims.

BlueCross BlueShield

This case is open to Individuals, Insured Groups (and their employees) or Self-Funded Accounts (and their employees) that purchased or were enrolled in a Blue Cross or Blue Shield (BCBS) health insurance or administrative services plan during one of the two Settlement Class Periods. The Settlement Class Period for Individuals and Insured Groups (and their employees) is from February 7, 2008, through October 16, 2020.
Settlement: $1.9 Billion
Deadline: November 1, 2021

Visa and MasterCard

If your firm accepted Visa and/or MasterCard credit and/or debit cards between January 2004 and January 2019, you may be owed a refund.
Settlement: $5.56 to $6.26 Billion
Deadline: TBD

Domestic Airline Antitrust Ligation

Eligible class members include all persons and entities that purchased air passenger services for flights within the US, its territories and the District of Columbia from any of the listed airlines or any predecessor, subsidiary or affiliate. Purchased airline tickets during the below dates from either American Airlines or Southwest Airlines you are eligible for a refund on a percentage basis. American Airlines, Inc. between July 1, 2011 and June 14, 2018. Southwest Airlines Co. between July 1, 2011 and December 20, 2017. Delta Airlines and United Airlines have not yet settled.
Settlement: $1.9 Billion
Deadline: November 1, 2021